Your Essential Window Maintenance Checklist

Your windows’ upkeep is crucial for getting the most out of them for as long as possible. Knowing what to do in terms of maintenance helps a lot in keeping your home aesthetically appealing, energy-efficient, and secure. This checklist should serve as your guide as you perform a self-inspection of these important components of your home.

Your Essential Window Maintenance Checklist

Inspect Seals and Weatherstripping

One of the most critical components of window maintenance is ensuring that the seals and weatherstripping around each window are intact. Over time, these can wear down and lead to drafts and energy loss. Checking these areas for cracks, gaps or signs of wear should be a seasonal task. A straightforward tip is to hold a lighted candle near the window edges; a flickering flame suggests air leaks, indicating that it’s time to replace the weatherstripping. You can also consult a professional for further advice.

Check for Condensation Between Panes

Double or triple-pane windows offer excellent insulation for any home. However, condensation between these panes signifies a seal failure and can compromise the window’s thermal efficiency. If you notice this issue, it’s a clear sign that professional assessment from a company like Renewal by Andersen of Sacramento may be required. This condition cannot be corrected through simple DIY measures and usually indicates the need for window replacement.

Ensure Smooth Operation

Windows that are difficult to open or close not only pose a frustration but can also signal underlying issues such as frame warping or hardware failure. Routine checks should include opening and closing each window to ensure they operate smoothly. In the case of resistance or noise, applying a silicone-based lubricant may provide a temporary fix (but do reach out to an expert for a permanent solution).

Examine for Signs of Wood Rot or Frame Damage

Wooden windows, while offering a classic aesthetic, are prone to rot and frame damage, especially in areas with fluctuating weather conditions. Regularly inspecting the window frames for soft spots, discoloration or flaking paint can reveal early signs of moisture infiltration and wood degradation. If detected early, repairs may be localized.

Recognizing When It’s Time for Replacement

While maintenance can extend the lifespan of windows, there comes a time when replacement is the more cost-effective and practical solution. You can benefit from newer window models with advanced features, such as improved energy efficiency, easier cleaning mechanisms and enhanced durability. If your windows are beyond simple repairs, consulting with a professional about replacement options can lead to savings on energy bills and a significant reduction in upkeep efforts.

If you think your window needs are beyond what maintenance can offer, don’t hesitate to contact Renewal by Andersen of Sacramento. We can take a close look at your windows and determine if they’re due for a replacement. Call us at (916) 779-5800, or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.